Transportation Improvement District
Richland County Transportation Improvement District (RC-TID)
Program Summary
Administered through the ODOT Office of Jobs and Commerce, Transportation Improvement Districts (TIDs) promote intergovernmental and public-private cooperation of transportation resources and investments.
Funding is provided on a reimbursement basis.
Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Chapter 5540.02 outlines the powers of a Transportation Improvement District (TID). Ohio House Bill 74 Section 203.40 approved by the 134th Ohio General Assembly provides $4,500,000 in funding each fiscal year of the biennium. TID program funding can be used on all publicly owned roadways in Ohio.
The Richland County TID was created through County Commissioners Resolution in July 2015.
There are currently 51 registered TIDS in the state of Ohio.
The funding provided for each project is limited to $500,000 per fiscal year.
TID funding can be used for:
• Preliminary Engineering
• Detailed Design
• Right-of-Way
• Construction
The following items are not eligible for TID funding:
• Transportation improvements to privately owned roadways.
• The extension of existing utilities or placement of new utilities (gas, water, sewer, etc.)
• Administrative costs associated with operation of the TID.
Applications are scored on a 50 point scale under three primary categories:
Economic Development / Transportation Factors / Project Funding Plan
Project Applications submitted to RC-TID: April 1 - May 1
RC-TID Applications submitted to ODOT: May 1 - May 31
Statewide TID Project Funds Awarded: July 16
Awarded Funds Summary
In 2017 OSU-Mansfield was awarded $250,000 through the RC-TID to use toward the $1,250,000 OSU Mansfield/North Central State Campus Driveway.