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Regional Vision

Richland County will have a transportation system that meets the needs of the 21st Century. A truly multimodal system will operate to move people and goods safely and efficiently throughout Richland County.  The development of Richland County will be supported by a framework of transportation options, with the goal of protecting physical, social and economic environments. Mobility and access will be optimized by a balanced system of roadway networks, transit, rail freight, pedestrian, and bicycle modes.

DIRECTION Looking Forward 2045

Goal #1 - Safety 

Goal Statement:

Transportation modes and facilities in the region will be safe for all users


  1. Reduce the total number of crashes in the region

  2. Reduce crash severity

  3. Prevent bicycle and pedestrian crashes



  • Continue to produce High Crash Location Report

  • Develop county wide safety program which will assist all jurisdictions in addressing safety concerns

  • Continue to support all local Safe Routes to School efforts

  • Assist ODOT and all local partners with their safety goals

  • Continue to monitor statewide crash database

  • Initiate Bicycle and pedestrian safety action plan

  • Emphasize safety improvements within the project selection process

Goal #2 - Economic Vitality

Goal Statement:

A regional transportation system that supports and furthers economic vitality 


  1. Integrate transportation and land use planning to ensure future decisions support keeping Richland County a place where people want to reside and businesses want to be located

  2. Improve multi-modal freight system for movement of goods

  3. Improve access to and from major employment areas


  • The MPO will work with local governments to ensure transportation, mobility strategies and land use plans are compatible and mutually supportive

  • RCRPC will support roadway design standards and balance the need to improve operations and traffic carrying capacity with the economic viability of adjacent land uses

  • Coordinate long range planning activities with land use, economic development and local community organizations. 

  • Encourage ODOT and local governments to employ context sensitive solutions in the planning and development of transportation projects

  • Maintain an efficient transportation system

  • Promote the region's logistical advantages

  • Continue to participate in OARC Freight Working Group and other statewide freight planning efforts

Goal #3 - System Preservation and Reliability 

Goal Statement:

Preserve, operate, and manage an efficient transportation system


  1. Maintain reliable transportation infrastructure in a state of good repair

  2. Improve and optimize the existing system through innovative transportation system management and operations


  • Encourage local and state agencies to maintain adequate funding programs  for the operation and maintenance of the transportation system.

  • Promote system preservation throughout the project selection process

  • The MPO will investigate the benefits of a level of service report to monitor operating conditions and identify improvement needs

  • Assist in promoting development plans along the existing transportation network where capacity is sufficient to minimize the construction and maintenance of new roadways

  • Introduce innovative transportation solutions such as access management or signal coordination to reduce the need for new roadways and added capacity

Goal #4 - Public Involvement

Goal Statement:

Public participation in the Long Range Transportation Plan and other MPO planning activities that reflect the needs of the region, particularly those that are the traditionally under-served


  1. Provide opportunities to engage citizens, and other private sector entities

  2. Consider and respond as appropriate to all comments and concerns


  • Continue to implement, evaluate and update its Public Involvement Plan

  • Continue to be a readily accessible forum for cooperative decision making by local government officials with regards to land use and transportation related issues and the development and implementation of transportation related plans and programs

  • Continue to develop and monitor social media strategies

  • Participate in organizations and events targeted to under-served populations and areas

Goal #5 - Quality of Life 

Goal Statement:

Enhance quality of life and promote sustainability 


  • Protect the environment from any adverse impacts of the transportation system and mitigate as appropriate

  • Provide users in the region access to a network of transportation modes and infrastructure that maximizes connectivity and promotes the use of motorized and non-motorized modes of travel

  • Support active living, universal design, and place making 

  • Ensure the benefits and impacts of the transportation investments are equitably distributed. 


  • The MPO will continue to support construction of infrastructure which makes walking, biking, and riding transit safer, accessible and more efficient

  • Develop County-Wide Complete Streets Policy that can act as catalyst for local government to adopt their own policy. 

  • Continue to support local bike lane striping and signing

  • Develop Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

  • Encourage transportation design standards and consider community and environmental impacts through incorporation of context sensitive solutions into projects

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